YMOW staff expands to include Second Case Manager


As Case Manager at YMOW, Kevin Craven wants to help homebound neighbors feel less isolated and more a part of the Ypsilanti community. 

“Aging can be lonely,” he said. By connecting seniors with local resources, both within YMOW and beyond, Kevin hopes to build connections that broaden the scope of a homebound senior’s world. 

Before coming to YMOW, Kevin fulfilled a similar role in Ann Arbor, where he worked with people experiencing homelessness. He said YMOW’s focus on seniors and its location near his new home in Ypsilanti make his new role a perfect fit. 

Kevin holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Michigan. He and wife Aesha share their home with their dog, Bailey, and recently welcomed their first child, Audre. 

Kevin is a self-described film buff who enjoys cooking, bicycling and spending time with family. 

Small favors are a big part of volunteer’s role at YMOW


Knowledge of a foreign language certainly isn’t required of YMOW volunteers. But that hasn’t stopped Rick Humesky from learning phrases in Spanish and Romanian as part of his role at YMOW.

When Rick learned that a client on his Monday route spoke Romanian, he took it upon himself to learn a few simple phrases with which to greet her.

“She lit up,” he said, before she quickly corrected his pronunciation.

Going the extra step is typical for Rick, a YMOW volunteer for the past three years and YMOW’s Volunteer of the Quarter.



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