Kellie Childs
echnical Manager and Project Manager for Care on Wheels, MOT, OTRL
After a career in social justice, Kellie’s career switched gears when she witnessed the progress her own son made while working with an occupational therapist. She earned a master’s degree in OT at Eastern Michigan University before teaching the subject at the school and finally finding her place on the YMOW team in 2020.
In 2023, Kelli was promoted to Technical Manager and Project Manager for Care on Wheels – YMOW’s hands-on program to make home safer for homebound seniors. Kellie uses her clinical and technical skills to build accessible and workable technology solutions for YMOW, its clients and its clinical staff.
“I have been working on technology solutions for the agency since the pandemic started, and the knowledge I’ve gained over the last 3 years has helped me understand the importance of using tech as a means of staff communication and data collection so we can show proof of the amazing work done by YMOW staff,” Kellie said.
Raised by her grandparents, older adults have long been an important part of Kellie’s life. She said she’s pleased to find a way to use her OT skills and knowledge, as well as her knack for technology, to make aging easier and to help people age in the comfort of home.
Kellie also holds a degree in women’s studies from the University of Michigan. She lives in Saline with her husband, son and daughter.