Friday visits provide more than a meal

Every once in a while, we’re reminded of little bits of good that resulted from the largely negative event that was the pandemic of 2020. One of those bits comes from Carola Baker, half of the volunteer team that’s recognized as YMOW’s volunteer of the second quarter, 2024.

“We couldn’t do ride-alongs during COVID,” said Carola, who had been assisting client care associates during deliveries since 2019. To continue volunteering, Carola had to go out on her own. Once she did, she never looked back.

“I feel like I’m more of a part of it,” Carola said. “You learn who these people are.”

Husband Tim joined her upon his retirement and now accompanies Carola every Friday.

YMOW Supportive Services Manager Chris Brown said he relies on the Bakers to bring each client on their route exactly what they need.

“I really appreciate their attention to detail, counting through all their materials before heading out, and knowing which clients like to receive extra items on their route,” Chris said.

Whether it’s some extra produce or a few minutes of friendly conversation, Carola said she and Tim are happy to do what they can to make someone’s day a little better.

“It’s a big deal,” Carola said, because their Friday visit is the last that most clients will have until Monday. “That’s a long time.”

Tim said his work with YMOW has made him more aware of the needs of his neighbors and of a population that often goes unseen. He’s also reminded of the importance that a simple gesture can have on someone’s life.

“It’s a small thing,” Tim said, unless you’re the one in need of a meal.

Delivering more than a meal.

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Providing nutritious meals, social contact and other services to the homebound elderly, ill and disabled in eastern Washtenaw County,

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