Keep Your Eye on Proper Nutrition for Great Health

Our bodies change as we age.  So, it only makes sense that our body’s nutritional needs change, too. March is National Nutrition Month – a great time to remind ourselves of what we need to eat to look and feel our best.

Here are 5 ways that Ypsilanti Meals on Wheels (YMOW) helps seniors get the nutrition they need each day.

Mix it up

Eating a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and protein, helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

The Ypsilanti Meals on Wheels (YMOW) menu repeats every four weeks and offers a wide variety of meals to meet your nutritional needs.

Keep in clean

Choose foods with little to no added sugar, saturated fats, and sodium.  Meals from YMOW are designed to be low in sugar, sodium and saturated fat.

Feed your muscles

Protein is important to maintain muscle mass and strength. This includes lean meats, fish, nuts, beans and soy.

Every YMOW meal includes a healthy source of protein, like chicken, fish or vegetarian options like beans and legumes.

Milk: it’s not just for bones

The Vitamin B12 in dairy promotes healthy brain function. Additional sources of B12 include meat, eggs and dairy.  And, yes, milk is included with every delivery!


Many people lose some sense of thirst as they age, but proper hydration is important for so many reasons!  Along with water, drink low- or fat-free milk, herbal tea and 100% juice to keep your body hydrated.


Delivering more than a meal.

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Providing nutritious meals, social contact and other services to the homebound elderly, ill and disabled in eastern Washtenaw County,

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