Mandy Boom’s Journey of Joy with YMOW

Mandy Boom’s beloved mother-in-law, Louise, often encouraged Mandy to share what she called “the gift of joy.” When Louise died in September 2023, Mandy acted on those words by becoming a volunteer for Ypsilanti Meals on Wheels.

“I picked up where she left off,” said Mandy, whose mother-in-law was an active volunteer for Meals on Wheels in western Michigan.

Any doubt of Louise’s hand in Mandy’s decision disappeared once and for all when, on Mandy’s first day of meal delivery, she looked up to see that she was on Louise Street.

“Every day Mandy has a story about one of the clients she saw, whether it was a happy, joy-filled interaction, or she was concerned about someone’s well being,” said Chris Brown, Supportive Services Manager at YMOW, upon naming Mandy YMOW’s final Volunteer of the Quarter of 2024.

In her 16 months as a YMOW volunteer, Mandy has taken on nearly every delivery route and taken meals to nearly every YMOW client. But the people of Chidester Place, which she now visits almost weekly, hold a special place in Mandy’s heart.

Mandy said she feels fortunate to get a smile or a nod from some residents, but others like to share stories and engage in conversation. She said she finishes every shift knowing that her visits made a difference.

“It’s not just a meal,” she said.

Gone are the worries about how Mandy would balance volunteering with a spouse, two kids, a house and a job.

“I look forward to it now,” she said. “I am where I am supposed to be.”

And she wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Louise was right there beside her.

Delivering more than a meal.

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Providing nutritious meals, social contact and other services to the homebound elderly, ill and disabled in eastern Washtenaw County,

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