September 21-25 is National Falls Prevention Week - a great time to remind ourselves of the simple but important things we can do to prevent injury or even death from a fall. Did you know? • One in 4 Americans over 65 falls each year. • Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the
Top 10 Protocols for safe food delivery
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes to nearly every part of our lives. Access to food is one thing that shouldn't change. YMOW has protocols in place to ensure our homebound neighbors continue to receive the food they need while remaining safe and healthy. 1. Staff whose work does not
Face shields allow meal delivery with a smile
More than anything else about his job, Joe loves to see the smiles on the faces of the people on his Ypsilanti Meals on Wheels route. “I just get a kick out of how happy they are,” said Joe, who delivers meals as part of the YMOW staff. But safety protocols due to the COVID-19 crisis mean Joe
Safety measures added for all YMOW volunteers
COVID-19 protocols, updated 1-10-2022: All personnel working in-person must be vaccinated. Volunteers and staff are required to wear a KN95 or N95 mask while working in our office space or during ride-along shifts. Masks will be provided for those who need them. Volunteers and staff must wear a
We’re taking extra steps to protect the people we serve
YMOW is proceeding through the current health crisis with one thing in mind – protecting the health and safety of our staff, volunteers, and most of all, our clients. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not accepting new volunteers. A small number of longtime volunteers